Book Style

Book Style has been marked by innovation since its founding in 1988. It was the first company to publish books especially conceived for hotels, seeking to capture the interest of wide-awake travellers on the lookout for quality wherever they go.

Book Style

We are a team of professionals in the fields of communication, design and marketing, who have devoted ourselves for more than thirty years to the publication of luxury and lifestyle guides. 

Book Style

Ours are exclusive books devised to present outstanding destinations in Spain like Madrid, Barcelona, Mallorca and Ibiza. They are deluxe editions that visitors always find in the guest rooms of our country's high-end hotels.

Hotels carrying Book Style

With a print run of 152,000 copies, Book Style's publications are the only books available on the bedside tables of Grand Luxe, 5- and 4-star hotels. In the year 2020, they are envisaged to be on hand in 66,528 guest rooms of 461 prestigious hotels in Spain

Book Style dossier
Media kit 2020-2021

Book Style books are an excellent advertising support for the many attractive features of the destinations where they are found. These outstanding deluxe editions capture the attention of people  with high purchasing power.

Book Style

Book Style books

Libros exclusivos elaborados para presentar destinos de España como Madrid, Barcelona, Mallorca e Ibiza. Ediciones de lujo que el visitante siempre encontrará en las habitaciones de hoteles de alta gama.

Book Style universe

Somos un equipo de profesionales del sector de la comunicación, del diseño y del marqueting que desde hace casi treinta años nos dedicamos a la edición de guías de lujo y estilo de vida. la experiencia acumulada nos de un lugar como la principal materia prima con la que nutrimos nuestros proyectos

Universo Book Style

Somos un equipo de profesionales del sector de la comunicación, del diseño y del marketing que desde hace más de treinta años nos dedicamos a la edición de guías de lujo y estilo de vida.